| Class | Description |
 | AddObjectFormOptions | Determines appearance of the Add Object Form. |
 | AstExtender | Abstract Syntax Tree node that extends the SQL syntax of the owner node with database server specific elements. |
 | AstNode | Abstract Syntax Tree node that can be extended with database server specific elements. |
 | AstNodeBase | Base class for any Abstract Syntax Tree node. |
 | AstToken | Abstract Syntax Tree node representing a single piece of text in the query. |
 | AstTokenIdentifier | Abstract Syntax Tree node representing an identifier. |
 | AutoSyntaxProvider | This syntax provider will try to detect database server automatically and will act as specific syntax provider for the detected database server. |
 | BaseMetadataProvider | Base class for all Metadata Provider components. |
 | BaseSQLBuilder | Base class for the PlainTextSQLBuilder and other SQL generation classes that might be implemented in the future. |
 | BaseSQLContext | Defines context for the query building, parsing and SQL generation purposes. |
 | BaseSyntaxProvider | Base class for all syntax providers. |
 | BehaviorOptions | Allows you to tune the way Active Query Builder parses and builds SQL queries. |
 | DatabaseSchemaTreeOptions | Contains various options of the Database Schema Tree. |
 | DataSourceOptions | Determines appearance of the objects within the Design Pane. |
 | DB2SyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for IBM DB2 database. |
 | DesignPaneOptions | Contains various properties of Design Pane. |
 | FieldListBaseColumnOptions | Base class for all columns in the datasource field list. |
 | FieldListDescriptionColumnOptions | Defines various options of the Description column in the field list. |
 | FieldListMarkColumnOptions | Defines various options of the Mark column in the field list. |
 | FieldListNameColumnOptions | Defines various options of the Name column in the field list. |
 | FieldListTypeColumnOptions | Defines various options of the Type column in the field list. |
 | FirebirdSyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for Firebird databases. |
 | GenericSyntaxProvider | This provider can be used with any database server. It implements most of the ANSI SQL/92 syntax standard definitions, but lacks most of server-specific SQL syntax extensions. |
 | InformixSyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for Informix database server. |
 | Localizer | Localizer is a static object that holds localization resources. |
 | MetadataAggregate | Class to represent custom aggregate functions in the Metadata Container. |
 | MetadataContainer | Stores the necessary metadata from database. |
 | MetadataField | Class to represent fields of database objects in the Metadata Container. |
 | MetadataFilter | Defines a set of rules to filter metadata. |
 | MetadataFilterItem | Defines single metadata filtration rule. |
 | MetadataForeignKey | Class to represent foreign key relationships in the Metadata Container. |
 | MetadataItem | Base class for all items of the Metadata Container. Represens a node in the Metadata Container tree. |
 | MetadataList | List of metadata items. |
 | MetadataLoadingOptions | Determines rules of loading metadata to the component's Metadata Container. |
 | MetadataNameList | List of field names for fields of a foreign key |
 | MetadataNamesFetcher | Helper object to get list of available namespaces in the database. |
 | MetadataNamespace | Class to represent namespace items in the Metadata Container: Server, Package, Database, Schema. |
 | MetadataObject | Class to represent database objects in the Metadata Container. |
 | MetadataParameter | Class to represent parameters of stored procedures and functions in the Metadata Container. |
 | MetadataSelection<T> | Selection of metadata items of specified types from the metadata list. |
 | MetadataSimpleFilter | Determines sets of masks for database object and schema names to be included to or excluded from loading to the Metadata Container. |
 | MetadataStructure | Complex object that determines the tree-like structure to group metadata objects within the Database Schema Tree. Root object of the structure. |
 | MetadataStructureItem | Represents a node in the metadata structure. |
 | MetadataStructureOptions | Contains various options that affect on displaying of the Metadata Structure. |
 | MSAccessSyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for MS Jet-compatible databases: MS Access, MS Excel, MS Project as well as DBF, CSV and text files. |
 | MSSQLAzureSyntaxProvider | The Syntax Provider for the Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition dialect. |
 | MSSQLCESyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition. |
 | MSSQLSyntaxProvider | Syntax Provider for Microsoft SQL Server. |
 | MySQLSyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for MySQL. |
 | OracleSyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for Oracle Database. |
 | PanesConfigurationOptions | Allows you to configure layout of the main parts of the component: Design Pane, Query Columns Pane, Database Schema Tree and Query Structure Tree. |
 | Parameter | Describes single parameter that was found in the query. |
 | ParameterList | Lists parameters that were found in the query. |
 | PlainTextSQLBuilder | Intended for SQL query text generation in Plain Text format. |
 | PostgreSQLSyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for PostgreSQL. |
 | QueryBuilder | QueryBuilder is the component to build SQL queries visually, to parse, analyze and modify SQL queries programmatically. |
 | QueryColumnListOptions | Contains various properties of the Query Column List. |
 | QueryStatistics | Allows to retrieve various information about the query: list of used database objects and their fields, list of output query columns. |
 | QueryStructureTreeOptions | Contains various properties of the Query Structure Tree. |
 | ServerDescriptor | Object that determines general features of a database server and it's SQL syntax. |
 | SQL2003SyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for ANSI SQL/2003 standard. |
 | SQL89SyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for ANSI SQL/89 standard. |
 | SQL92SyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for ANSI SQL/92 standard. |
 | SQLBuilderConditionFormat | Defines SQL text formatting options of WHERE and HAVING parts of the query. |
 | SQLBuilderFromClauseFormat | Defines SQL text formatting options of FROM part of the query. |
 | SQLBuilderItemListFormat | Defines SQL text formatting options of item lists in the query, i.e. SELECT, ORDER BY and GROUP BY parts of the query. |
 | SQLBuilderSelectFormat | Defines SQL text formatting options of a single SELECT statement. |
 | SQLGenerationOptions | Determine SQL query text generation rules and display of SQL objects and expressions in the Query Builder. |
 | SQLiteSyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for SQLite. |
 | SQLQualifiedName | Class for representation of the SQL qualified name (can be name of database object or field in a query, etc.). |
 | SQLQualifiedNameList | List of SQL qualified names. |
 | StatisticsDatabaseObject | Describes a database object being used in the query. |
 | StatisticsDatabaseObjectList | Lists database objects used in the query (QueryStatistics.UsedDatabaseObjects). |
 | StatisticsField | Describes a database object field being used in the query. |
 | StatisticsFieldList | Lists database object fields used in the query (QueryStatistics.UsedDatabaseObjectFields). |
 | StatisticsOutputColumn | Describes a column in result set of the query. |
 | StatisticsOutputColumnList | Lists output (result set) columns of the query (QueryStatistics.OutputColumns). |
 | SybaseSyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for Sybase ASA/ASE. |
 | TeradataSyntaxProvider | The Syntax Provider for the Teradata SQL dialect. |
 | UserMessageEventArgs | Class to define parameters passed to the QueryBuilder.UserMessage event. |
 | VistaDBSyntaxProvider | Syntax provider for VistaDB embedded database engine. |
 | VisualOptions | Contains visual options that are not related to any pane. |