Active Query Builder

Active Query Builder News

December 07, 2010

Active Query Builder .NET Edition 1.14 released.
Visual building of queries with CTE (Common Table Expressions) is possible now.

October 26, 2010

Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition 0.3 is released.
The component has all the necessary functionality to build single SELECT statements now.

July 23, 2010

Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition 0.2 Beta is released.
Many bugs are fixed, initialization is advanced, UI performance is improved.

June 11, 2010

The new SQL Text Editor and Expression Editor for .NET is available now.
Windows.Forms text editing control with code completion, syntax highlighting and much more.

June 11, 2010

Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition is available for purchasing now.
Active Database Software announces the availability of Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition.

June 11, 2010

Active Query Builder .NET Professional Subscription is released
It guarantees access to all ActiveDBSoft products for .NET Framework at minimal price.

June 10, 2010

Active Query Builder Upgrade Policy change
Active Query Builder components are sold based on a subscription model now.

May 13, 2010

Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition Beta version is out!
All known bugs are fixed, usability is improved.

March 18, 2010

Active Query Builder Java Edition 1.2.5
Virtual objects and fields, support of custom aggregate functions are made.

March 17, 2010

Active Query Builder VCL and ActiveX Editions 1.15 released
Hiding complex expressions and sub-queries behind ordinary fields and saving derived tables as ordinary database objects is possible now.




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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