Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.29.4
+ Dutch localization has been added. + The Query Structure Tree is improved. It is more sensibly organized and allows performing various actions with nodes using context menus. + New methods to get the list of linked servers and databases from them are added: GetServersList, GetDatabasesList(serverName) = MS SQL Server: Objects from linked servers without database or schema support are retrieved fine now. = The Create Query Demo has been rewritten. It includes more code samples of programmatic SQL query creation. = MySQL: The default server version is set to 8.0. = Pervasive: Parsing of some built-in functions has been fixed. = Minor SQL formatting fixes and improvements have been made. = PostgreSQL: "table.*" is accepted now as an ordinary row expression term. = NexusDB: The list of reserved words has been updated. = SAP Hana: Support for missing functions has been added: LEFT, RIGHT and (REPLACE/SUBSTR/OCCURRENCES)_REGEXPR. - Scaling issues have been fixed. - The bug with not switching to the new subquery on creating a Derived Table has been fixed. - CrMyDACMetadataProvider: A workaround for the MyQuery.PSSetParams issue has been made. - AdvantageMetadataProvider: Client package name for newer Delphi versions has been updated.
Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.29.3
+ NexusDB syntax provider has been added. - Turning off grouping in the query via the global Grouping checkbox in the header of Query Columns List may lead to inconsistent queries. Fixed now. = DBISAM: Client package name is updated for compatibility with the latest DBISAM v.4.47. - PostgreSQL: Parsing ambiguities for INTERVAL and AT TIME ZONE clauses have been fixed.
Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.29.0
+ Support for RAD Studio 10.3 Rio has been added. + Support for DevExpress controls v.18.2 has been added. + Initial support of SAP Hana SQL syntax has been added. + Initial support of Pervasive SQL syntax has been added. + MySQL: Support for Common Table Expressions for MySql v8+ has been added. + SQL Text Editor: Code auto-completion improvements and fixes have been made. + Now it's possible to add and remove rows in the Query Columns List using the Alt+Insert and Alt+Delete keyboard shortcuts, move them up and down using the Alt+[Arrow Up/Down] keys. = Parsing of incorrect/incomplete "IN" expressions in condition cells of the Query Columns List has been improved. = The behavior of LinkOptions.CreateLinksByIdenticalFieldNames property has been changed. Links are created only if one of the fields is a part of the primary key. = DevExpress UI: Better application of skin colors has been made. + The new properties have been added to the QueryBuilder object to hide the controls for managing subqueries: SubQueryTabsVisible, UnionNavBarVisible.
Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.28.11
+ NexusDB syntax provider has been added. + MySQL: Support for Common Table Expressions for MySql v8+ has been added. + The new properties have been added to the QueryBuilder object to hide the controls for managing subqueries: SubQueryTabsVisible, UnionNavBarVisible. = Oracle: Support for ranking functions has been updated. - PostgreSQL: Parsing of the "AT TIME ZONE" clause and "EXTRACT(epoch FROM ...)" function has been fixed. - MS Access: Parsing of the TRUE and FALSE constants has been fixed. - The Union Navigation Bar scaling issues have been eliminated.
Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.28.10
+ SQL Text Editor: Autocompletion improvements and fixes have been made. = German localization has been updated = DevExpress: MetadataTreeNodeGetHintText event is fired now. - Minor bugs have been fixed.
Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.28.9
= DevExpress UI: Better application of skin colors has been made. - Minor improvements in the Load Metadata demo project have been made. - A memory leak for non-unicode Delphi versions has been eliminated.
Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.28.8
+ Initial support of SAP Hana SQL syntax has been added. = Oracle: Support for the new Oracle 12c LISTAGG syntax has been added. = Pervasive: List of keywords and functions has been filled. = Pervasive: Support of IF function, LIMIT/OFFSET clause has been made. - Pervasive: Parsing of date/time builtin functions has been fixed. - Teradata: The bug with the autodetection of new versions has been fixed. - SQLite: Parsing of queries with RIGHT and FULL joins throws the parsing exception now. - IBM DB2: NULL is parsed as a constant, not as an identifier. = The new limitation of the trial edition: generation of random aliases for the query output columns. + The new method TacSubQuery.GetSqlForDataPreview() returns correct SQL query to preview the sub-query result data. = The LinkOptions.CreateLinksByIdenticalFieldNames behaviour has been changed. Links are created only if one of the fields is a part of the primary key. = FireDAC: Loading of Primary Key fields has been improved. = Complex SQL expressions aren't loaded as joins anymore. - Changing of the link type if RIGHT JOIN is not supported is not allowed now. - The bug with the height calculation of the UNION navigation bar when the query has unions in brackets has been fixed. - Memory leaks have been eliminated.
Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.28.7
- Access violation on creating TacQueryBuilder component in RAD Studio 10.2.3 has been fixed. = SQLite: The list of reserved words has been filled.
Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.28.6
= Parsing of incorrect/incomplete "IN" expressions in condition cells of the Query Columns List has been improved. - DevExpress: Access violation in the IDE form designer if TdxSkinController exists on a form has been eliminated.
Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.28.5
+ Initial support of Pervasive SQL syntax has been added. - DevExpress UI: Theme colors are applied automatically now. - Links cardinality calculation has been fixed. - MS SQL Server: Multi-column foreign keys loading for SQL Server 2005 and higher has been fixed. - MySQL: Support of STDDEV function has been fixed.
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Active Query Builder VCL Edition:
We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!
We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...
In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!